
Showing posts from March, 2020

Week 7 ~ Corona Virus and Anxiety

As the corona virus has been a big talk throughout the world, many patients have been worried. Corona virus, also known as COVID-19, is a common cause of colds and other upper respiratory infections. Anxiety was a big medical issue I saw this week during my internship because of this virus. There was even a patient who was telling Crystal, Dr. Larison, and I about some statistics involved with the virus. They talked about how they think it is crazy that the flu is killing so many more people; yet, the economy is downward spiraling with corona virus spreading. The patient was also telling us about how the U.S. is cutting off flights to and from Europe. Major areas affect by the corona virus On Tuesday there was a patient that had came in the previous weeks with fluid in their ears. When this patient came back, Crystal checked their ears which now had no fluid; however, the patient had a lot of congestion, so Crystal sent them to an ear, nose, and throat doctor. Two patients came